
Showing posts from May, 2017

Who Am I? by Gestli

Who am I?” We all start fresh on our journey, not new to the world but unique to ourselves, a long way is waiting to be discovered, all just by yourself. We have many meanings, we are divided into these, they are what makes us the person who we reflect, But knowledge nor experience shall keep you apart from realizing what you want. We are humans in bones, our fists look strong, the outer look is just a superficial feature, your whole is inside you, You have to dig harder to find it new. We can have dreams, traditions, expectations, hopes, likes and dislikes, Our behavior is not a cruel robot, A feeling’s company is only for humans, Wherever you go, you keep them locked in your pockets. We are not meant to be defined from our life situation,- many say If there is something that you should now, is YOU and the magic sparks inside you, Never underestimate the power of the hero inside yourself You jus...

Possibility to Make-up Hours!!

Dear ACCESS, We would like to offer you two events where you could make up 2 hours (one Wednesday class) of class time in order to get your attendance percentage up. In order for you to get the 2 (possible of 4) make-up hours you must do as follows: 1. Attend the event- (also need to register, see more info below), check in with Ms. Swanson that you are there at the event. 2. Write a two paragraph essay about the event. The essay can take any format and cover any topic i.e. what you found most interesting, something you learned, how the event impacted you personally, etc. This essay must be sent no later than a week after the event to the gmail account! Here are the two event possibilities: 1. Event on Thursday May 11th from 3:30-5:30pm at the US Consulate General Hamburg on the topic of: "The Role of the US Government: How the US protects and ensures political, individual and economic freedom." You MUST register for this event by Tuesday May 8th via email to pep.f...